Chad Wolf to Newsmax: ‘Great Question’ Why Dems Protect Mayorkas

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has done “great damage” to his office and to the American people, and it’s a “great question” about why Democrats in the Senate protected him last week from having to go through an impeachment trial, Chad Wolf, an acting Department of Homeland Security secretary under former President Donald Trump, said on Newsmax Sunday. 

“This is about accountability,” Wolf told Newsmax’s “Sunday Report.” “When the Republicans in the House passed impeachment articles against the secretary that should be litigated in the Senate, they should have an actual trial so that the evidence can come forward and then votes can be cast as they may.”

He acknowledged that “most Americans” would think the Democrat-led Senate would not likely have convicted Mayorkas, but still said the chamber should have gone through the process to lay out the case. 

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